Product Description Writing Services: Ecommerce, Shopify and Amazon

Your product descriptions are just as important as your product photography - the two go hand in hand. With contemporary customers having so much choice, being able to communicate not just the benefits of a product but the uniqueness of your brand is essential.

I can provide you with product descriptions that give you space to do that in a way that enhances your product photography and elevates your brand.

By differentiating yourself from the competition your descriptions will provide the final finish you need to convince customers to buy from you instead of your competitors.

Your product needs to show up in search engines so an SEO-optimised product description makes it possible for any of your target audience around the world to find your products.

You want to choose a product description writer who really understands your industry so you end up with compelling descriptions that build trust, connection and understanding whilst showing you’re a brand to take notice of.

Over the years, ecommerce business owners have become more savvy and realised the advantages product writing offers meaning most descriptions have a word length of between 100 to 140 words or so. Some ecommerce and Shopify companies prefer a tab-style layout which requires a higher word count as does Amazon A+ content.

Let’s discuss what’s right for your brand. I’m a an experienced product description writer for ecommerce businesses, Amazon sellers and Shopify stores across the UK and worldwide.

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Shopify Product Descriptions

Shopify’s layout for product description writing is pretty cumbersome particularly if you want to target SEO so I can work directly in the CMS if you prefer.

There are some really helpful Shopify apps that can help you get the right layout for your product descriptions so it’s worth taking a look if you haven’t already.

Amazon Product Descriptions

If you’re an Amazon seller, you’ll already know that Amazon product descriptions need to be crafted in line with various rules.

In terms of layout, there are a number of options for styling (within the various rules) we can discuss.

Whether you need descriptions for Shopify, Amazon or general ecommerce, send a message and let’s discuss what you need. You’ll find my rates on display too. Go