Freelance Copywriter: Charlotte Thompson

As a highly-experienced freelance copywriter for lifestyle businesses, I’ve helped companies large and small build ongoing growth from the customers they really want.

The thing is, that’s what marketing’s supposed to do - bring customers to you.

But for that to happen, you need a collection of elements to deliver impact, connection and information that inspires action. As a sought-after freelance copywriter, I can bring the time, skills and experience you don’t have to make sales and growth happen.

Why Freelance Copywriters Are In High Demand

The magic of a freelance copywriter is that they make purposeful business growth possible for companies of any size.

Today, freelance copywriters are in high demand. A recent study by Fiverr found that 78% of companies plan to use freelancers instead of new staff in 2023.

The internet has made growth possible for any business if they adopt a successful marketing strategy. Within that, high-quality copywriting that’s a true reflection of your brand and right for your industry, will play a key role in helping you secure the growth you need.

Why Hire A Top Freelance Copywriter?

Niche Copywriting Experience

When you hire a freelance copywriter, not only is it far more economical than working with a big agency, you also get a more personalised and specialist service.

Whether you’re in Melbourne, London or Houston, the internet makes it possible to find a freelance writer who perfectly matches your needs. Different freelance writers write for different sectors and each will have experience of various aspects of copywriting.

For example, I write for a wide range of lifestyle businesses around the world and provide fully bespoke services for every need. At the other end of the scale, you’ll come across writers who offer fixed packages with limited services so it’s worth shopping around. See services


The recent pandemic taught us a lot of things, one of them was to be open-minded about working practices. The result? Economical business practices are easier to achieve than ever.

When you hire an experienced, specialist freelance copywriter like me, you can add significant value to your business without all the additional costs a permanent employee brings with them.

The biggest advantage is that a freelancer has lower fees than an agency so anyone can access this business-boosting service.


If you hire a good freelance writer, you’ll want to work with them long-term. But there’s no contractual obligations so you can just bring in their services as and when you need them. This level of flexibility makes it easy to grow your business without taking on huge costs.

Working with a freelance copywriter on an ongoing basis means you’ll get a lot more for your money. A writer who knows your business well and is an industry specialist, will give you copy with higher value in less time - plus extras.

An industry specialist will help you: elevate branding, stand out from the crowd, shape a clearer strategy, harness the benefits of SEO and lots more.


Best of all, when you hire a freelance copywriter you save yourself so much time. Experience means a copywriter will do the work so much quicker than you would - and of course, you’ll get a way better ROI.

Not only will you receive copy which delivers long-term growth, you’ll also get the time back that you need for important day to day tasks - the ones you want to do!

As an individual, a freelancer can give you a much more direct and quicker service than a copywriting agency.

Fresh Strategy

Another benefit of working with a freelance copywriter is that they’ll approach your business wth a fresh point of view.

Working with a much, much smaller number of clients, a freelance writer has a calmer schedule which they are in charge of. Greater control over workload means you can always be sure your business is getting the time and attention it deserves.

Without a personal attachment to your business, a freelance copywriter can identify new areas of growth, strength and development you won’t see.

Experience this for yourself. Take a look at some of the things I can do for you. See services

Types of Freelance Copywriting

What types of freelance copywriting are there?

When choosing a professional freelance copywriter, you’ll need to check which types of services they offer. It’s also important to select a service with affordable rates because you’ll need lots of copy for your business. I ensure my fees are set at a level that’s sustainable for my clients long-term because if you can’t afford to get all the copy you need, you won’t get the growth and results you want.

Here are some of the most popular types of professional freelance copywriting services for businesses of any size:

  • Freelance SEO Copywriting: this is strategic copywriting, designed to ensure you secure the targeted online growth you need. More

  • Freelance Website Copywriting: most freelance copywriters are website copywriters and can deliver a range of services to support content creation for websites. More

  • Freelance Digital Copywriting: digital or web copywriters can write anything that goes on the internet, including video scripts, social media copy and ebook content.

Industry Experience

Don’t forget to check the industry experience of any freelance copywriter you choose. Copywriting looks different in every sector. A specialist industry freelance copywriter like me will help to: enhance branding, uncover new areas of growth, differentiate yourself from your competitors and more. Learn more about how I can help you grow traffic and sales

Let’s discuss what you need.

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