Sales Website Copywriting: 5 Quick Ways To Improve Sales

If your website’s not bringing in the customers you need, some tweaks to your sales website copywriting could make all the difference.

Ideally your website should be selling 24/7 but if your copy’s not stirring emotions that make customers want to buy then it’s doing little more than occupying space.

Once you’ve grabbed the audience’s attention with beautiful images and a gorgeous design, your words need to stir emotions that make them feel compelled to buy from you.

It’s the equivalent of the sensory experience you have when you walk into a top designer store and imagine a new version of you with that bag in hand.

But once you’ve built up the desire, there’s still more to do.

From brand messaging to reciprocity, here’s 5 top tried and tested sales website copywriting techniques you need on your site today.

Sales Website Copywriting: 5 Quick Ways To Improve Sales

1.     Hone Your Market: The worst thing you can do in business is to try to appeal to everyone. The best sales website copywriting speaks to a very specific audience.

Take some time to review who your target market really is and focus solely on writing for them. You want your copy to sound like your target market and reflect their needs, values and interests.


To stir emotions, think about your ideal customer’s daily challenges and frustrations as well as their underlying aspirations.

When you can show you understand what your customer wants and needs, you’ll make the emotional connection you need to get them to read on and hopefully buy from you instead of a competitor.


2.     Clear Brand Message: On a basic level, you’re selling a very similar thing to your competitors. The difference between you and your competitors is how you sell the product or service.

What’s the unique experience you offer that your competitor’s don’t.

For example, Apple’s brand message ‘Think Differently’ reflects the fact that its products come with unique, cutting-edge features you can only access on their products. So you might pay more for an Apple product but that will give you exclusive access to sought-after features.

Think about what it is that customers can get from you that they can’t get from your competitors. This is your brand message and it should be really clear from the moment customers arrive on your website.



Brand messaging can be a tricky thing to nail early on in business but over time you’ll get clearer about what makes your business unique.


Thinking about the reasons why customers say they like buying from you can be a good starting point.

Narrow down the biggest problems you solve for customers until you have one or two clear reasons why customers should choose you instead of the competition.


3.     Build Confidence: Your sales website copywriting should leave website visitors feeling confident you can deliver all they need.

In addition to describing how your product or service can transform their daily life, don’t forget to answer some of the biggest questions and worries customers may have. Discover how a copywriting service could help


Whilst you don’t want to answer every question, addressing some of them will help customers to feel reassured that they won’t be disappointed by what they receive.


Niraj Kapur, sales coach suggests, addressing objections early on is an greay way to build trust that leads to long-term relationships with customers. 1


Follow this up with testimonials, case studies and things like free trials and money back guarantees and it won’t feel like such a huge step for customers to make an enquiry.



4.     Reciprocity: Customers will come to you at different parts of what’s called The Buyer’s Journey.


Some customers will be ready to buy quickly, others will take a lot more time so you need to have other options ready for visitors who want to take action but don’t want to buy.


Beyond your blog and socials, freebies are a powerful way to keep visitors not yet ready to buy happy.


Forbes references a book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by renowned psychologist Robert Cialdini that suggests when we give gifts, the recipient is left feeling indebted to the giver meaning they are likely to keep returning to your brand and at some point, buy. 2


From free ebooks to checklists and templates, finishing your sales website copy with freebies will give visitors another reason to return and in time, buy.


Sound like too much to do yourself? Here’s how I can help you. Go

Further Reading:




SEO Website Copywriting: 5 Simple Tips For Better SEO